author ft
Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:35:33 +0100
changeset 23 5b9fdcafd0df
permissions -rw-r--r--
strange merge
     1 ### Commented entries have reasonable defaults.
     2 ### Uncomment to edit them.
     3 # Source: <source package name; defaults to package name>
     4 Section: misc
     5 Priority: optional
     6 # Homepage: <enter URL here; no default>
     7 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
     9 Package: osecfs
    10 Version: 0.0.26
    11 Maintainer: ft <ft@x-net.at>
    12 # Pre-Depends: <comma-separated list of packages>
    13 Depends: python,python-requests,python-fuse,python-clamav,python-pyclamav,clamav,python-urllib3,python-netifaces,python-netaddr
    14 # Recommends: <comma-separated list of packages>
    15 # Suggests: <comma-separated list of packages>
    16 # Provides: <comma-separated list of packages>
    17 # Replaces: <comma-separated list of packages>
    18 Architecture: all
    19 # Copyright: <copyright file; defaults to GPL2>
    20 # Changelog: <changelog file; defaults to a generic changelog>
    21 # Readme: <README.Debian file; defaults to a generic one>
    22 # Extra-Files: <comma-separated list of additional files for the doc directory>
    23 Files: osecfs				/usr/bin/
    24  ikarusscanner/IkarusScanner.py		/usr/bin/
    25  clamavscanner/ClamAVScanner.py		/usr/bin/
    26  osecfs_usb.cfg				/etc/osecfs/
    27  osecfs_downloads.cfg			/etc/osecfs/
    28  ClamAVScanner.cfg			/etc/osecfs/
    29  IkarusScanner.cfg			/etc/osecfs/
    30 Description: Mirror Filesystem for Open Security 
    31  An Mirror FS which makes virus scanning whitelistening and other things