addressed comments form Oliver Maurhart and made final corrections to the documents. To be checked.
Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:46:41 +0200
changeset 23294e2118e441
parent 22 ac37b0e24c30
child 25 ac8b30c2178f
addressed comments form Oliver Maurhart and made final corrections to the documents. To be checked.
VM Orchestration.vsd
Virtualisation - Technology Review.doc
graphics/PSP1.3.1/Antivirus workflow.jpg
graphics/PSP1.3.1/Join Safe Network generic.jpg
graphics/PSP1.3.1/Local import export.jpg
graphics/PSP1.3.1/Safe Internet Access.jpg
graphics/PSP1.3.1/Server based import export.jpg
     1.1 Binary file Architecture.doc has changed
     2.1 Binary file VM Orchestration.vsd has changed
     3.1 Binary file Virtualisation - Technology Review.doc has changed
     4.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/Antivirus workflow.jpg has changed
     5.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/Join Safe Network generic.jpg has changed
     6.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/Local import export.jpg has changed
     7.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/Safe Internet Access.jpg has changed
     8.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/Server based import export.jpg has changed
     9.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/impl_guidelines.jpg has changed
    10.1 Binary file graphics/PSP1.3.1/overview.jpg has changed