Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:08:24 +0100
changeset 60eeb778585a4d
parent 56 9180aaaf2551
child 61 6100b1721556
     1.1 --- a/OpenSecurity/bin/	Wed Jan 29 15:38:12 2014 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity/bin/	Fri Feb 14 14:08:24 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
     1.4  # 
     1.5  # executes a cygwin command inside the opensecurity project
     1.6  #
     1.7 -# Autor: Oliver Maurhart, <>
     1.8 +# Autor: Mihai Bartha, <>
     1.9 +#        Oliver Maurhart, <>
    1.10  #
    1.11  # Copyright (C) 2013 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
    1.12  # AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
    1.13 @@ -35,94 +36,170 @@
    1.14  import os
    1.15  import subprocess
    1.16  import sys
    1.17 -
    1.18 +import _winreg
    1.19 +from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call, STARTUPINFO, _subprocess
    1.20  # local
    1.21  from environment import Environment
    1.22 -
    1.23 -
    1.24 +from opensecurity_util import logger, setupLogger, OpenSecurityException
    1.25  # ------------------------------------------------------------
    1.26  # code
    1.28 +def once(theClass):
    1.29 +    """get the path to our local cygwin installment"""
    1.30 +    home_drive = os.path.expandvars("%HOMEDRIVE%") + os.sep
    1.31 +    path_hint = [ 
    1.32 +        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Environment('OpenSecurity').prefix_path, '..', 'cygwin')), 
    1.33 +        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Environment('OpenSecurity').prefix_path, '..', 'cygwin64')), 
    1.34 +        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_drive, 'cygwin')),
    1.35 +        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_drive, 'cygwin64'))
    1.36 +    ]
    1.37 +    path_valid = [ p for p in path_hint if os.path.exists(p) ]
    1.38 +        
    1.39 +    theClass.cygwin_root = path_valid[0]
    1.40 +    theClass.cygwin_bin = os.path.join(theClass.cygwin_root, 'bin') + os.path.sep
    1.41 +    theClass.cygwin_bash = os.path.join(theClass.cygwin_bin, 'bash.exe')
    1.42 +    theClass.cygwin_ssh = os.path.join(theClass.cygwin_bin, 'ssh.exe')
    1.43 +    theClass.win_cmd = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", "cmd.exe") 
    1.44 +    
    1.45 +    """get the path to the VirtualBox installation on this system"""
    1.46 +    try:
    1.47 +        k = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Oracle\VirtualBox')
    1.48 +        theClass.vbox_root = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k, 'InstallDir')[0]
    1.49 +        theClass.vbox_man = os.path.join(theClass.vbox_root, 'VBoxManage.exe')
    1.50 +        _winreg.CloseKey(k)
    1.51 +    except:
    1.52 +        pass
    1.53 +    return theClass
    1.55 +@once
    1.56  class Cygwin(object):
    1.57 -
    1.58 +    cygwin_root = ''
    1.59 +    cygwin_bin = ''
    1.60 +    cygwin_bash = ''
    1.61 +    cygwin_ssh = ''
    1.62 +    vbox_root = ''
    1.63 +    vbox_man = ''
    1.64 +    win_cmd = ''
    1.65      """Some nifty methods working with Cygwin"""
    1.67 -    def __call__(self, command, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE):
    1.68 +    def __call__(self, command, arguments, wait_return=True, window = False):
    1.69          """make an instance of this object act as a function"""
    1.70 -        return self.execute(command, stdin, stdout, stderr)
    1.71 +        return self.execute(command, arguments, wait_return, window)
    1.74      @staticmethod
    1.75      def root():
    1.76 -        """get the path to our local cygwin installment"""
    1.77 -        home_drive = os.path.expandvars("%HOMEDRIVE%") + os.sep
    1.78 -        path_hint = [ 
    1.79 -            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Environment('OpenSecurity').prefix_path, '..', 'cygwin')), 
    1.80 -            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Environment('OpenSecurity').prefix_path, '..', 'cygwin64')), 
    1.81 -            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_drive, 'cygwin')),
    1.82 -            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_drive, 'cygwin64'))
    1.83 -        ]
    1.84 -        path_valid = [ p for p in path_hint if os.path.exists(p) ]
    1.85 -        return path_valid[0]
    1.86 +        return Cygwin.cygwin_root
    1.88 +    @staticmethod
    1.89 +    def bin():
    1.90 +        return Cygwin.cygwin_bin
    1.91 +    
    1.92 +    @staticmethod
    1.93 +    def bash():
    1.94 +        return Cygwin.cygwin_bash
    1.95 +    
    1.96 +    @staticmethod    
    1.97 +    def ssh():
    1.98 +        return Cygwin.cygwin_ssh
    1.99 +    
   1.100 +    @staticmethod
   1.101 +    def vboxman():
   1.102 +        return Cygwin.vbox_man
   1.103 +    
   1.104 +    @staticmethod
   1.105 +    def cmd():
   1.106 +        return Cygwin.win_cmd
   1.107 +    
   1.108 +    #executes command on host system
   1.109 +    @staticmethod
   1.110 +    def execute(program, arguments, wait_return=True, window = False):
   1.111 +        _startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
   1.112 +        if not window:
   1.113 +            _startupinfo.dwFlags |= _subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
   1.114 +            _startupinfo.wShowWindow = _subprocess.SW_HIDE
   1.115 +            
   1.116 +        logger.debug('trying to launch: ' + program + ' ' + ''.join(arguments))
   1.117 +        try:
   1.118 +            process = Popen(executable=program, args=' ' + arguments, startupinfo = _startupinfo, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell = False)
   1.119 +            logger.debug('Launched: ' + program + ' ' + ''.join(arguments))
   1.120 +            if not wait_return:
   1.121 +                return [0, 'working in background', '']
   1.122 +            result = process.wait()
   1.123 +            res_stdout =;
   1.124 +            res_stderr =;
   1.125 +            if res_stdout != "":
   1.126 +                logger.debug(res_stdout)
   1.127 +            if res_stderr != "":
   1.128 +                logger.debug(res_stderr)
   1.129 +        except:
   1.130 +            logger.error('Failed to execute cygwin command.\n\tcommand=' + program + ' ' + ''.join(arguments) + '\n')
   1.131 +            #TODO: throw exception
   1.132 +        return result, res_stdout, res_stderr
   1.133 +    
   1.134 +    @staticmethod
   1.135 +    def vboxExecute(command, wait_return=True, window = False, bash_opts=''):
   1.136 +        return Cygwin.execute(Cygwin.vbox_man, command, wait_return, window)
   1.137 +    
   1.138 +    @staticmethod
   1.139 +    def bashExecute(command, wait_return=True, window = False, bash_opts=''):
   1.140 +        command = bash_opts + ' --login -c ' + command
   1.141 +        return Cygwin.execute(Cygwin.cygwin_bash, command, wait_return, window)
   1.142 +    
   1.143 +    @staticmethod
   1.144 +    def cmdExecute(command, wait_return=True, window = False, bash_opts=''):
   1.145 +        command = ' /c ' + command 
   1.146 +        return Cygwin.execute(Cygwin.win_cmd, command, wait_return, window)
   1.148 -    def execute(self, command, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, window = False):
   1.149 -        """execute a cygwin shell command
   1.150 -        
   1.151 -        command is list of arguments like ['/bin/ls', '-al', '-h']
   1.152 -        
   1.153 -        a Popen object is returned"""
   1.154 -        command_path = os.sep.join([Cygwin.root()] + command[0].split('/')[1:])
   1.155 -        command = [command_path] + command[1:]
   1.156 +    # executes command over ssh on guest vm
   1.157 +    @staticmethod
   1.158 +    def sshExecute(command, address, user_name, certificate, wait_return=True, window = False):
   1.159 +        command = ' -v -i "' + certificate + '" ' + user_name + '@' + address + ' ' + command        
   1.160 +        return Cygwin.execute(Cygwin.cygwin_ssh, command, wait_return, window)     
   1.161 +    
   1.162 +    #machineFolder + '/' + vm_name + '/dvm_key
   1.163 +    #address = self.getHostOnlyIP(vm_name)
   1.164 +    #machineFolder = self.getDefaultMachineFolder()
   1.165 +    #machineFolder = Cygwin.cygwinPath(machineFolder)
   1.166 +    
   1.167 +    # executes command over ssh on guest vm with X forwarding
   1.168 +    @staticmethod
   1.169 +    def sshExecuteX11(command, address, user_name, certificate, wait_return=True):
   1.170 +        return Cygwin.bashExecute('"DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/ssh -v -Y -i \\"' + certificate +'\\" ' + user_name + '@' + address + ' ' + command + '\"')
   1.172 -        if not window:
   1.173 -            # hide any window
   1.174 -            shadowrun_path = os.path.join(Cygwin.root(), 'bin', 'shadowrun.exe')
   1.175 -            if os.access(shadowrun_path, os.X_OK):
   1.176 -                command = [shadowrun_path] + command
   1.177 -            else:
   1.178 -                print("EPIC FAIL!")
   1.179 -
   1.180 -        try:
   1.181 -            print('cygwin: ' + ' '.join(command))
   1.182 -            return subprocess.Popen(command, shell = False, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr)
   1.183 -        except:
   1.184 -            sys.stderr.write('Failed to execute cygwin command.\n\tcommand="' + ' '.join(command) + '"\n')
   1.185 -        
   1.186 -        
   1.187      @staticmethod
   1.188      def is_X11_running():
   1.189          """check if we can connect to a X11 running instance"""
   1.190 -        p = Cygwin()(['/bin/bash', '-c', 'DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xset -q'])
   1.191 -        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
   1.192 -        return p.returncode == 0
   1.193 +        p = Cygwin.bashExecute('"DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xset -q"')
   1.194 +        return p[0] == 0
   1.197      @staticmethod
   1.198      def start_X11():
   1.199          """start X11 in the background (if not already running) on DISPLAY=:0"""
   1.200 -        
   1.201          # do not start if already running
   1.202          if Cygwin.is_X11_running():
   1.203 -            return
   1.204 -            
   1.205 +            return           
   1.206          # launch X11 (forget output and return immediately)
   1.207 -        p = Cygwin()(['/bin/bash', '--login', '-i', '-c', ' X :0 -multiwindow'], stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None)
   1.208 -        
   1.209 +        return Cygwin.bashExecute('"/usr/bin/X :0 -multiwindow"', bash_opts=' -i ', wait_return = False)
   1.210 +    
   1.211 +    @staticmethod    
   1.212 +    def cygPath(path):
   1.213 +        cmd = '"/usr/bin/cygpath -u \\"' + path + '\\""'
   1.214 +        return Cygwin.bashExecute(cmd)[1].rstrip('\n')
   1.216  # start
   1.217  if __name__ == "__main__":
   1.218 +    logger = setupLogger('Cygwin')
   1.219 +    c = Cygwin()
   1.220 +
   1.221 +
   1.222 +
   1.223 +
   1.224 +    
   1.225 +    c.cygPath('C:')
   1.226 +    c.start_X11()
   1.228 -    print(Cygwin.root())
   1.229 -    sys.exit(1)
   1.230 -
   1.231 -    # execute what is given on the command line
   1.232 -    c = Cygwin()
   1.233 -    p = c(sys.argv[1:])
   1.234 +        
   1.236 -    # wait until the process finished and grab the output
   1.237 -    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
   1.238 -    print('=== call result on stdout: ===\n' + stdout)
   1.239 -    print('=== call result on stderr: ===\n' + stderr)
     2.1 --- a/OpenSecurity/bin/launch.pyw	Wed Jan 29 15:38:12 2014 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity/bin/launch.pyw	Fri Feb 14 14:08:24 2014 +0100
     2.3 @@ -238,9 +238,6 @@
     2.5      # ensure we have our X11 running
     2.6      Cygwin.start_X11()
     2.7 -   
     2.8 -    sys.exit(0)
     2.9 -
    2.11      # call the OpenSecurity Admin to launch our progie =)
    2.12      # TODO: hard coded PORT
     3.1 --- a/OpenSecurity/bin/opensecurity_tray.pyw	Wed Jan 29 15:38:12 2014 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity/bin/opensecurity_tray.pyw	Fri Feb 14 14:08:24 2014 +0100
     3.3 @@ -105,7 +105,8 @@
     3.4              # get a proper browsing VM
     3.5              browsing_vm = urllib2.urlopen('').readline()
     3.6              dlg_launch_image = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'launch.pyw')
     3.7 -            process_command = [sys.executable, dlg_launch_image, browsing_vm, '/usr/bin/iceweasel']
     3.8 +            #process_command = [sys.executable, dlg_launch_image, browsing_vm, '/usr/bin/iceweasel']
     3.9 +            process_command = [sys.executable, dlg_launch_image, browsing_vm, '/usr/bin/midori']
    3.10              print(process_command)
    3.11              process = subprocess.Popen(process_command, shell = False)
     4.1 --- a/OpenSecurity/bin/os-admind.bat	Wed Jan 29 15:38:12 2014 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity/bin/os-admind.bat	Fri Feb 14 14:08:24 2014 +0100
     4.3 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     4.4  @echo off
     4.5  cd %0%\..
     4.6 -C:\Python27\python 8080
     4.7 +C:\Python27\python opensecurityd.pyw 8080