CMD.exe scripting makes one mad -> switch to bash
authorOliver Maurhart <>
Thu, 20 Feb 2014 15:40:48 +0100
changeset 766cf4ca255d98
parent 75 3be3d45f6c59
child 77 e48c45225df1
CMD.exe scripting makes one mad -> switch to bash
     1.1 --- a/OpenSecurity.iss	Wed Feb 19 12:59:29 2014 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity.iss	Thu Feb 20 15:40:48 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
     1.4  ; Inno Setup Compiler ( 
     1.6  [Setup]
     1.7 +; Basic installation stuff and config
     1.8  AppName=OpenSecurity
     1.9  AppContact=AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
    1.10  AppPublisher=AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
    1.11 @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
    1.12  AppVersion=0.1
    1.13  ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64
    1.14  DefaultDirName={pf}\OpenSecurity
    1.15 +DefaultGroupName=OpenSecurity
    1.16  OutputDir="."
    1.17  OutputBaseFilename="OpenSecurity Setup V0.1"
    1.18  OutputManifestFile=OpenSecurity-Setup-Manifest.txt
    1.19 @@ -18,11 +20,25 @@
    1.20  UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\gfx\OpenSecurity.ico
    1.22  [Files]
    1.23 +; Files to copy
    1.24  Source: "OpenSecurity\bin\*"; Excludes: "*.pyc"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; Flags: recursesubdirs;
    1.25  Source: "OpenSecurity\cygwin64\*"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin64"; Flags: recursesubdirs;
    1.26  Source: "OpenSecurity\gfx\*"; DestDir: "{app}\gfx"; Flags: recursesubdirs;
    1.27  Source: "OpenSecurity\install\*"; DestDir: "{app}\install"; Flags: recursesubdirs;
    1.28  Source: "OpenSecurity\python27\*"; DestDir: "{app}\python27"; Flags: recursesubdirs;
    1.30 +[Registry]
    1.31 +; Registry entries to set
    1.32 +Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueName: "OpenSecurity Daemon"; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\python27\pythonw.exe ""{app}\bin\opensecurityd.pyw"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
    1.33 +Root: HKCU; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueName: "OpenSecurity Tray Icon"; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\python27\pythonw.exe ""{app}\bin\opensecurity_tray.pyw"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
    1.34 +
    1.35 +[Icons]
    1.36 +; Program Icons in start menu
    1.37 +Name: "{group}\OpenSecurity Tray Icon"; Filename: "{app}\python27\pythonw.exe"; Parameters: """{app}\bin\opensecurity_tray.pyw"""; WorkingDir: "{userappdata}"; Comment: "The OpenSecurity Tray Icon"; IconFilename: "{app}\gfx\OpenSecurity.ico"
    1.38 +Name: "{group}\OpenSecurity Server"; Filename: "{app}\python27\pythonw.exe"; Parameters: """{app}\bin\opensecurityd.pyw"""; WorkingDir: "{userappdata}"; Comment: "The OpenSecurity VM System Orchestrating Server"; IconFilename: "{app}\gfx\OpenSecurity.ico"
    1.39 +Name: "{group}\Uninstall OpenSecurity"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
    1.40 +
    1.41  [Run]
    1.42 +; Run after installment
    1.43  Filename: "{app}\install\initial_vm.bat"; Description: "Loading initial VM"; WorkingDir: "{app}\install"; StatusMsg: "Setting up initial VM..."; Flags: runasoriginaluser
    1.44 +
     2.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity/install/	Thu Feb 20 15:40:48 2014 +0100
     2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
     2.4 +#!/bin/bash
     2.5 +
     2.6 +# ------------------------------------------------------------
     2.7 +# download and install the initial VM for 
     2.8 +#
     2.9 +#       OpenSecurity V0.1
    2.10 +#
    2.11 +# This has been originally a Windows only BAT file.
    2.12 +#
    2.13 +# ... but coding this makes your head hurt and
    2.14 +# supporting this "technology" any further by adding
    2.15 +# software to the world relying on CMD.exe is an act
    2.16 +# against humanity and should be punished by jail.
    2.17 +#
    2.18 +# To be called with the OpenSecurity installation folder
    2.19 +# like C:\Program Files\OpenSecurity
    2.20 +#
    2.21 +# (C)opyright 2014, AIT Austrian Instiitute of Technology
    2.22 +# ------------------------------------------------------------
    2.23 +
    2.24 +
    2.25 +# ------------------------------------------------------------
    2.26 +# vars
    2.27 +
    2.28 +OPENSECURITY_DIR="${1}"
    2.29 +OPENSECURITY_PORT=8080
    2.30 +OVA_TEMPLATE_URL=""
    2.31 +
    2.32 +# we try to call VBox commans several times
    2.33 +#
    2.34 +# rational: on windows VirtualBox relies on the
    2.35 +#           VBoxSVC.exe DCOM service
    2.36 +#           which to interact with the VirtualBox
    2.37 +#           images.
    2.38 +#
    2.39 +#           Sadly, this pretty buggy ...
    2.40 +#
    2.41 +# number of tries we do when interacting with vbox
    2.42 +VBOX_RETRY_COUNT="5"
    2.43 +
    2.44 +
    2.45 +# ------------------------------------------------------------
    2.46 +# code
    2.47 +
    2.48 +
    2.49 +# ------------------------------
    2.50 +# read a value from the windows regsitry
    2.51 +#
    2.52 +#   $1  ...     full registry key
    2.53 +#   $2  ...     value name
    2.54 +#   stdout      the value found
    2.55 +# 
    2.56 +function reg_read() {
    2.57 +
    2.58 +    test -z "${1}" && return
    2.59 +    
    2.60 +    if [ -z "${2}" ]; then
    2.61 +        reg.exe query "${1}"
    2.62 +    else
    2.63 +        reg.exe query "${1}" /v "${2}" | grep "${2}" | sed 's/^.*REG_[A-Z]* *//' 
    2.64 +    fi 
    2.65 +}
    2.66 +
    2.67 +
    2.68 +# ------------------------------
    2.69 +# turns a windows path into a cygwin path
    2.70 +#
    2.71 +#   $1  ...     windows path
    2.72 +#   stdout      the value found
    2.73 +#
    2.74 +function sanitize_path() {
    2.75 +    test -z "${1}" && return
    2.76 +    echo $(cygpath -u "${1}") 
    2.77 +}
    2.78 +
    2.79 +
    2.80 +# ------------------------------
    2.81 +# vbox command hammer
    2.82 +#
    2.83 +# retry the vbox command some times
    2.84 +# until sucess ... or death
    2.85 +#
    2.86 +#   $1  ...     full command to execute
    2.87 +#   stdout      the result
    2.88 +#
    2.89 +function vbox_command() {
    2.90 +
    2.91 +    echo "command failed ... :("
    2.92 +    exit 1
    2.93 +}
    2.94 +
    2.95 +
    2.96 +# ------------------------------
    2.97 +# main ...
    2.98 +#
    2.99 +
   2.100 +# check opensecurity folder
   2.101 +#
   2.102 +OPENSECURITY_DIR=$(sanitize_path "${OPENSECURITY_DIR}")
   2.103 +if [ ! -d "${OPENSECURITY_DIR}" ]; then
   2.104 +    echo "please specify a valid path to the OpenSecurity"
   2.105 +    echo "installation folder --> not a valid directory"
   2.106 +    exit 1
   2.107 +fi
   2.108 +
   2.109 +# look up VirtulBox installation
   2.110 +#
   2.111 +VBOX_MANAGER="$(reg_read 'HKLM\Software\Oracle\VirtualBox' 'InstallDir')VBoxManage.exe"
   2.112 +VBOX_MANAGER=$(sanitize_path "${VBOX_MANAGER}")
   2.113 +if [ ! -x "${VBOX_MANAGER}" ]; then
   2.114 +    echo "can't execute VBoxManage.exe - is VirtualBox installed?"
   2.115 +    echo "looked at: "$(cygpath -w ${VBOX_MANAGER})""
   2.116 +    exit 1
   2.117 +fi
   2.118 +
   2.119 +# enforce VirtualBox to "feel good" by calling some functions
   2.120 +#
   2.121 +VBOX_VERSION=$("${VBOX_MANAGER}" -version)
   2.122 +"${VBOX_MANAGER}" list vms &> /dev/null
   2.123 +
   2.124 +# download OSec.VM
   2.125 +#
   2.126 +OSECVM_IMAGE="${OPENSECURITY_DIR}/install/OsecVM.ova"
   2.127 +if [ ! -e "${OSECVM_IMAGE}" ]; then
   2.128 +    echo "downloading OSecVM.ova image"
   2.129 +    wget -O "${OSECVM_IMAGE}" "${OVA_TEMPLATE_URL}" 
   2.130 +    if [ "${?}" != "0" ]; then
   2.131 +        echo "failed to download OsecVM.ova"
   2.132 +        exit 1
   2.133 +    fi
   2.134 +fi
   2.135 +
   2.136 +# import VM 
   2.137 +#
   2.138 +for (( i=1; i<=${VBOX_RETRY_COUNT}; i++ )); do
   2.139 +
   2.140 +    "${VBOX_MANAGER}" import "$(cygpath -w "${OSECVM_IMAGE}")" --vsys 0 --vmname SecurityDVM --unit 12 --disk "SecurityDVM\SecurityDVM.vmdk"
   2.141 +    test "${?}" -eq "0" && return
   2.142 +    echo "next try ..."
   2.143 +    sleep 1
   2.144 +done
   2.145 +
   2.146 +# detach disk image
   2.147 +#
   2.148 +for (( i=1; i<=${VBOX_RETRY_COUNT}; i++ )); do
   2.149 +
   2.150 +    "${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --medium none
   2.151 +    test "${?}" -eq "0" && break
   2.152 +    echo "next try ..."
   2.153 +    sleep 1
   2.154 +done
   2.155 +
   2.156 +# turn disk image into writethrough
   2.157 +#
   2.158 +for (( i=1; i<=${VBOX_RETRY_COUNT}; i++ )); do
   2.159 +
   2.160 +    "${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --mtype writethrough --medium 'SecurityDVM\SecurityDVM.vmdk'
   2.161 +    test "${?}" -eq "0" && break
   2.162 +    echo "next try ..."
   2.163 +    sleep 1
   2.164 +done
   2.165 +
   2.166 +# attach disk again
   2.167 +#
   2.168 +for (( i=1; i<=${VBOX_RETRY_COUNT}; i++ )); do
   2.169 +
   2.170 +    "${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --mtype immutable --medium 'SecurityDVM\SecurityDVM.vmdk'
   2.171 +    test "${?}" -eq "0" && break
   2.172 +    echo "next try ..."
   2.173 +    sleep 1
   2.174 +done
   2.175 +
   2.176 +
   2.177 +
   2.178 +
   2.179 +#echo turning template image immutable
   2.180 +#echo step 1: detach image
   2.181 +#"${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --medium none
   2.182 +#echo step 2: writethrough image
   2.183 +#echo.
   2.184 +#"${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --mtype writethrough --medium SecurityDVM\SecurityDVM.vmdk
   2.185 +#echo step 3: detach image
   2.186 +#echo.
   2.187 +#"${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --medium none
   2.188 +#echo step 4: imuteable
   2.189 +#echo.
   2.190 +#"${VBOX_MANAGER}" storageattach SecurityDVM --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --mtype immutable --medium SecurityDVM\SecurityDVM.vmdk
   2.191 +#echo OpenSecurity VM Image ready.
   2.192 +#echo.
   2.193 +
   2.194 +
   2.195 +
   2.196 +