author om
Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:02:05 +0100
changeset 3 65432e6c6042
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
initial deployment and project layout commit
     1 """
     2 Network Utilities
     3 (from
     4 """
     6 __all__ = [
     7   "validipaddr", "validipport", "validip", "validaddr", 
     8   "urlquote",
     9   "httpdate", "parsehttpdate", 
    10   "htmlquote", "htmlunquote", "websafe",
    11 ]
    13 import urllib, time
    14 try: import datetime
    15 except ImportError: pass
    17 def validipaddr(address):
    18     """
    19     Returns True if `address` is a valid IPv4 address.
    21         >>> validipaddr('')
    22         True
    23         >>> validipaddr('')
    24         False
    25         >>> validipaddr('192.168.1')
    26         False
    27     """
    28     try:
    29         octets = address.split('.')
    30         if len(octets) != 4:
    31             return False
    32         for x in octets:
    33             if not (0 <= int(x) <= 255):
    34                 return False
    35     except ValueError:
    36         return False
    37     return True
    39 def validipport(port):
    40     """
    41     Returns True if `port` is a valid IPv4 port.
    43         >>> validipport('9000')
    44         True
    45         >>> validipport('foo')
    46         False
    47         >>> validipport('1000000')
    48         False
    49     """
    50     try:
    51         if not (0 <= int(port) <= 65535):
    52             return False
    53     except ValueError:
    54         return False
    55     return True
    57 def validip(ip, defaultaddr="", defaultport=8080):
    58     """Returns `(ip_address, port)` from string `ip_addr_port`"""
    59     addr = defaultaddr
    60     port = defaultport
    62     ip = ip.split(":", 1)
    63     if len(ip) == 1:
    64         if not ip[0]:
    65             pass
    66         elif validipaddr(ip[0]):
    67             addr = ip[0]
    68         elif validipport(ip[0]):
    69             port = int(ip[0])
    70         else:
    71             raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
    72     elif len(ip) == 2:
    73         addr, port = ip
    74         if not validipaddr(addr) and validipport(port):
    75             raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
    76         port = int(port)
    77     else:
    78         raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
    79     return (addr, port)
    81 def validaddr(string_):
    82     """
    83     Returns either (ip_address, port) or "/path/to/socket" from string_
    85         >>> validaddr('/path/to/socket')
    86         '/path/to/socket'
    87         >>> validaddr('8000')
    88         ('', 8000)
    89         >>> validaddr('')
    90         ('', 8080)
    91         >>> validaddr('')
    92         ('', 8000)
    93         >>> validaddr('fff')
    94         Traceback (most recent call last):
    95             ...
    96         ValueError: fff is not a valid IP address/port
    97     """
    98     if '/' in string_:
    99         return string_
   100     else:
   101         return validip(string_)
   103 def urlquote(val):
   104     """
   105     Quotes a string for use in a URL.
   107         >>> urlquote('://?f=1&j=1')
   108         '%3A//%3Ff%3D1%26j%3D1'
   109         >>> urlquote(None)
   110         ''
   111         >>> urlquote(u'\u203d')
   112         '%E2%80%BD'
   113     """
   114     if val is None: return ''
   115     if not isinstance(val, unicode): val = str(val)
   116     else: val = val.encode('utf-8')
   117     return urllib.quote(val)
   119 def httpdate(date_obj):
   120     """
   121     Formats a datetime object for use in HTTP headers.
   123         >>> import datetime
   124         >>> httpdate(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
   125         'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT'
   126     """
   127     return date_obj.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
   129 def parsehttpdate(string_):
   130     """
   131     Parses an HTTP date into a datetime object.
   133         >>> parsehttpdate('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT')
   134         datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
   135     """
   136     try:
   137         t = time.strptime(string_, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
   138     except ValueError:
   139         return None
   140     return datetime.datetime(*t[:6])
   142 def htmlquote(text):
   143     r"""
   144     Encodes `text` for raw use in HTML.
   146         >>> htmlquote(u"<'&\">")
   147         u'&lt;&#39;&amp;&quot;&gt;'
   148     """
   149     text = text.replace(u"&", u"&amp;") # Must be done first!
   150     text = text.replace(u"<", u"&lt;")
   151     text = text.replace(u">", u"&gt;")
   152     text = text.replace(u"'", u"&#39;")
   153     text = text.replace(u'"', u"&quot;")
   154     return text
   156 def htmlunquote(text):
   157     r"""
   158     Decodes `text` that's HTML quoted.
   160         >>> htmlunquote(u'&lt;&#39;&amp;&quot;&gt;')
   161         u'<\'&">'
   162     """
   163     text = text.replace(u"&quot;", u'"')
   164     text = text.replace(u"&#39;", u"'")
   165     text = text.replace(u"&gt;", u">")
   166     text = text.replace(u"&lt;", u"<")
   167     text = text.replace(u"&amp;", u"&") # Must be done last!
   168     return text
   170 def websafe(val):
   171     r"""Converts `val` so that it is safe for use in Unicode HTML.
   173         >>> websafe("<'&\">")
   174         u'&lt;&#39;&amp;&quot;&gt;'
   175         >>> websafe(None)
   176         u''
   177         >>> websafe(u'\u203d')
   178         u'\u203d'
   179         >>> websafe('\xe2\x80\xbd')
   180         u'\u203d'
   181     """
   182     if val is None:
   183         return u''
   184     elif isinstance(val, str):
   185         val = val.decode('utf-8')
   186     elif not isinstance(val, unicode):
   187         val = unicode(val)
   189     return htmlquote(val)
   191 if __name__ == "__main__":
   192     import doctest
   193     doctest.testmod()