changeset 3 65432e6c6042
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/OpenSecurity/install/	Mon Dec 02 14:02:05 2013 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
     1.4 +"""
     1.5 +Web application
     1.6 +(from
     1.7 +"""
     1.8 +import webapi as web
     1.9 +import webapi, wsgi, utils
    1.10 +import debugerror
    1.11 +import httpserver
    1.12 +
    1.13 +from utils import lstrips, safeunicode
    1.14 +import sys
    1.15 +
    1.16 +import urllib
    1.17 +import traceback
    1.18 +import itertools
    1.19 +import os
    1.20 +import types
    1.21 +from exceptions import SystemExit
    1.22 +
    1.23 +try:
    1.24 +    import wsgiref.handlers
    1.25 +except ImportError:
    1.26 +    pass # don't break people with old Pythons
    1.27 +
    1.28 +__all__ = [
    1.29 +    "application", "auto_application",
    1.30 +    "subdir_application", "subdomain_application", 
    1.31 +    "loadhook", "unloadhook",
    1.32 +    "autodelegate"
    1.33 +]
    1.34 +
    1.35 +class application:
    1.36 +    """
    1.37 +    Application to delegate requests based on path.
    1.38 +    
    1.39 +        >>> urls = ("/hello", "hello")
    1.40 +        >>> app = application(urls, globals())
    1.41 +        >>> class hello:
    1.42 +        ...     def GET(self): return "hello"
    1.43 +        >>>
    1.44 +        >>> app.request("/hello").data
    1.45 +        'hello'
    1.46 +    """
    1.47 +    def __init__(self, mapping=(), fvars={}, autoreload=None):
    1.48 +        if autoreload is None:
    1.49 +            autoreload = web.config.get('debug', False)
    1.50 +        self.init_mapping(mapping)
    1.51 +        self.fvars = fvars
    1.52 +        self.processors = []
    1.53 +        
    1.54 +        self.add_processor(loadhook(self._load))
    1.55 +        self.add_processor(unloadhook(self._unload))
    1.56 +        
    1.57 +        if autoreload:
    1.58 +            def main_module_name():
    1.59 +                mod = sys.modules['__main__']
    1.60 +                file = getattr(mod, '__file__', None) # make sure this works even from python interpreter
    1.61 +                return file and os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]
    1.62 +
    1.63 +            def modname(fvars):
    1.64 +                """find name of the module name from fvars."""
    1.65 +                file, name = fvars.get('__file__'), fvars.get('__name__')
    1.66 +                if file is None or name is None:
    1.67 +                    return None
    1.68 +
    1.69 +                if name == '__main__':
    1.70 +                    # Since the __main__ module can't be reloaded, the module has 
    1.71 +                    # to be imported using its file name.                    
    1.72 +                    name = main_module_name()
    1.73 +                return name
    1.74 +                
    1.75 +            mapping_name = utils.dictfind(fvars, mapping)
    1.76 +            module_name = modname(fvars)
    1.77 +            
    1.78 +            def reload_mapping():
    1.79 +                """loadhook to reload mapping and fvars."""
    1.80 +                mod = __import__(module_name, None, None, [''])
    1.81 +                mapping = getattr(mod, mapping_name, None)
    1.82 +                if mapping:
    1.83 +                    self.fvars = mod.__dict__
    1.84 +                    self.init_mapping(mapping)
    1.85 +
    1.86 +            self.add_processor(loadhook(Reloader()))
    1.87 +            if mapping_name and module_name:
    1.88 +                self.add_processor(loadhook(reload_mapping))
    1.89 +
    1.90 +            # load __main__ module usings its filename, so that it can be reloaded.
    1.91 +            if main_module_name() and '__main__' in sys.argv:
    1.92 +                try:
    1.93 +                    __import__(main_module_name())
    1.94 +                except ImportError:
    1.95 +                    pass
    1.96 +                    
    1.97 +    def _load(self):
    1.98 +        web.ctx.app_stack.append(self)
    1.99 +        
   1.100 +    def _unload(self):
   1.101 +        web.ctx.app_stack = web.ctx.app_stack[:-1]
   1.102 +        
   1.103 +        if web.ctx.app_stack:
   1.104 +            # this is a sub-application, revert ctx to earlier state.
   1.105 +            oldctx = web.ctx.get('_oldctx')
   1.106 +            if oldctx:
   1.107 +                web.ctx.home = oldctx.home
   1.108 +                web.ctx.homepath = oldctx.homepath
   1.109 +                web.ctx.path = oldctx.path
   1.110 +                web.ctx.fullpath = oldctx.fullpath
   1.111 +                
   1.112 +    def _cleanup(self):
   1.113 +        # Threads can be recycled by WSGI servers.
   1.114 +        # Clearing up all thread-local state to avoid interefereing with subsequent requests.
   1.115 +        utils.ThreadedDict.clear_all()
   1.116 +
   1.117 +    def init_mapping(self, mapping):
   1.118 +        self.mapping = list(, 2))
   1.119 +
   1.120 +    def add_mapping(self, pattern, classname):
   1.121 +        self.mapping.append((pattern, classname))
   1.122 +
   1.123 +    def add_processor(self, processor):
   1.124 +        """
   1.125 +        Adds a processor to the application. 
   1.126 +        
   1.127 +            >>> urls = ("/(.*)", "echo")
   1.128 +            >>> app = application(urls, globals())
   1.129 +            >>> class echo:
   1.130 +            ...     def GET(self, name): return name
   1.131 +            ...
   1.132 +            >>>
   1.133 +            >>> def hello(handler): return "hello, " +  handler()
   1.134 +            ...
   1.135 +            >>> app.add_processor(hello)
   1.136 +            >>> app.request("/").data
   1.137 +            'hello,'
   1.138 +        """
   1.139 +        self.processors.append(processor)
   1.140 +
   1.141 +    def request(self, localpart='/', method='GET', data=None,
   1.142 +                host="", headers=None, https=False, **kw):
   1.143 +        """Makes request to this application for the specified path and method.
   1.144 +        Response will be a storage object with data, status and headers.
   1.145 +
   1.146 +            >>> urls = ("/hello", "hello")
   1.147 +            >>> app = application(urls, globals())
   1.148 +            >>> class hello:
   1.149 +            ...     def GET(self): 
   1.150 +            ...         web.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
   1.151 +            ...         return "hello"
   1.152 +            ...
   1.153 +            >>> response = app.request("/hello")
   1.154 +            >>>
   1.155 +            'hello'
   1.156 +            >>> response.status
   1.157 +            '200 OK'
   1.158 +            >>> response.headers['Content-Type']
   1.159 +            'text/plain'
   1.160 +
   1.161 +        To use https, use https=True.
   1.162 +
   1.163 +            >>> urls = ("/redirect", "redirect")
   1.164 +            >>> app = application(urls, globals())
   1.165 +            >>> class redirect:
   1.166 +            ...     def GET(self): raise web.seeother("/foo")
   1.167 +            ...
   1.168 +            >>> response = app.request("/redirect")
   1.169 +            >>> response.headers['Location']
   1.170 +            ''
   1.171 +            >>> response = app.request("/redirect", https=True)
   1.172 +            >>> response.headers['Location']
   1.173 +            ''
   1.174 +
   1.175 +        The headers argument specifies HTTP headers as a mapping object
   1.176 +        such as a dict.
   1.177 +
   1.178 +            >>> urls = ('/ua', 'uaprinter')
   1.179 +            >>> class uaprinter:
   1.180 +            ...     def GET(self):
   1.181 +            ...         return 'your user-agent is ' + web.ctx.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
   1.182 +            ... 
   1.183 +            >>> app = application(urls, globals())
   1.184 +            >>> app.request('/ua', headers = {
   1.185 +            ...      'User-Agent': 'a small jumping bean/1.0 (compatible)'
   1.186 +            ... }).data
   1.187 +            'your user-agent is a small jumping bean/1.0 (compatible)'
   1.188 +
   1.189 +        """
   1.190 +        path, maybe_query = urllib.splitquery(localpart)
   1.191 +        query = maybe_query or ""
   1.192 +        
   1.193 +        if 'env' in kw:
   1.194 +            env = kw['env']
   1.195 +        else:
   1.196 +            env = {}
   1.197 +        env = dict(env, HTTP_HOST=host, REQUEST_METHOD=method, PATH_INFO=path, QUERY_STRING=query, HTTPS=str(https))
   1.198 +        headers = headers or {}
   1.199 +
   1.200 +        for k, v in headers.items():
   1.201 +            env['HTTP_' + k.upper().replace('-', '_')] = v
   1.202 +
   1.203 +        if 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' in env:
   1.204 +            env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH')
   1.205 +
   1.206 +        if 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' in env:
   1.207 +            env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE')
   1.208 +
   1.209 +        if method not in ["HEAD", "GET"]:
   1.210 +            data = data or ''
   1.211 +            import StringIO
   1.212 +            if isinstance(data, dict):
   1.213 +                q = urllib.urlencode(data)
   1.214 +            else:
   1.215 +                q = data
   1.216 +            env['wsgi.input'] = StringIO.StringIO(q)
   1.217 +            if not env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/') and 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env:
   1.218 +                env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = len(q)
   1.219 +        response =
   1.220 +        def start_response(status, headers):
   1.221 +            response.status = status
   1.222 +            response.headers = dict(headers)
   1.223 +            response.header_items = headers
   1.224 + = "".join(self.wsgifunc()(env, start_response))
   1.225 +        return response
   1.226 +
   1.227 +    def browser(self):
   1.228 +        import browser
   1.229 +        return browser.AppBrowser(self)
   1.230 +
   1.231 +    def handle(self):
   1.232 +        fn, args = self._match(self.mapping, web.ctx.path)
   1.233 +        return self._delegate(fn, self.fvars, args)
   1.234 +        
   1.235 +    def handle_with_processors(self):
   1.236 +        def process(processors):
   1.237 +            try:
   1.238 +                if processors:
   1.239 +                    p, processors = processors[0], processors[1:]
   1.240 +                    return p(lambda: process(processors))
   1.241 +                else:
   1.242 +                    return self.handle()
   1.243 +            except web.HTTPError:
   1.244 +                raise
   1.245 +            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
   1.246 +                raise
   1.247 +            except:
   1.248 +                print >> web.debug, traceback.format_exc()
   1.249 +                raise self.internalerror()
   1.250 +        
   1.251 +        # processors must be applied in the resvere order. (??)
   1.252 +        return process(self.processors)
   1.253 +                        
   1.254 +    def wsgifunc(self, *middleware):
   1.255 +        """Returns a WSGI-compatible function for this application."""
   1.256 +        def peep(iterator):
   1.257 +            """Peeps into an iterator by doing an iteration
   1.258 +            and returns an equivalent iterator.
   1.259 +            """
   1.260 +            # wsgi requires the headers first
   1.261 +            # so we need to do an iteration
   1.262 +            # and save the result for later
   1.263 +            try:
   1.264 +                firstchunk =
   1.265 +            except StopIteration:
   1.266 +                firstchunk = ''
   1.267 +
   1.268 +            return itertools.chain([firstchunk], iterator)    
   1.269 +                                
   1.270 +        def is_generator(x): return x and hasattr(x, 'next')
   1.271 +        
   1.272 +        def wsgi(env, start_resp):
   1.273 +            # clear threadlocal to avoid inteference of previous requests
   1.274 +            self._cleanup()
   1.275 +
   1.276 +            self.load(env)
   1.277 +            try:
   1.278 +                # allow uppercase methods only
   1.279 +                if web.ctx.method.upper() != web.ctx.method:
   1.280 +                    raise web.nomethod()
   1.281 +
   1.282 +                result = self.handle_with_processors()
   1.283 +                if is_generator(result):
   1.284 +                    result = peep(result)
   1.285 +                else:
   1.286 +                    result = [result]
   1.287 +            except web.HTTPError, e:
   1.288 +                result = []
   1.289 +
   1.290 +            result = web.safestr(iter(result))
   1.291 +
   1.292 +            status, headers = web.ctx.status, web.ctx.headers
   1.293 +            start_resp(status, headers)
   1.294 +            
   1.295 +            def cleanup():
   1.296 +                self._cleanup()
   1.297 +                yield '' # force this function to be a generator
   1.298 +                            
   1.299 +            return itertools.chain(result, cleanup())
   1.300 +
   1.301 +        for m in middleware: 
   1.302 +            wsgi = m(wsgi)
   1.303 +
   1.304 +        return wsgi
   1.305 +
   1.306 +    def run(self, *middleware):
   1.307 +        """
   1.308 +        Starts handling requests. If called in a CGI or FastCGI context, it will follow
   1.309 +        that protocol. If called from the command line, it will start an HTTP
   1.310 +        server on the port named in the first command line argument, or, if there
   1.311 +        is no argument, on port 8080.
   1.312 +        
   1.313 +        `middleware` is a list of WSGI middleware which is applied to the resulting WSGI
   1.314 +        function.
   1.315 +        """
   1.316 +        return wsgi.runwsgi(self.wsgifunc(*middleware))
   1.317 +
   1.318 +    def stop(self):
   1.319 +        """Stops the http server started by run.
   1.320 +        """
   1.321 +        if httpserver.server:
   1.322 +            httpserver.server.stop()
   1.323 +            httpserver.server = None
   1.324 +    
   1.325 +    def cgirun(self, *middleware):
   1.326 +        """
   1.327 +        Return a CGI handler. This is mostly useful with Google App Engine.
   1.328 +        There you can just do:
   1.329 +        
   1.330 +            main = app.cgirun()
   1.331 +        """
   1.332 +        wsgiapp = self.wsgifunc(*middleware)
   1.333 +
   1.334 +        try:
   1.335 +            from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
   1.336 +            return run_wsgi_app(wsgiapp)
   1.337 +        except ImportError:
   1.338 +            # we're not running from within Google App Engine
   1.339 +            return wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(wsgiapp)
   1.340 +    
   1.341 +    def load(self, env):
   1.342 +        """Initializes ctx using env."""
   1.343 +        ctx = web.ctx
   1.344 +        ctx.clear()
   1.345 +        ctx.status = '200 OK'
   1.346 +        ctx.headers = []
   1.347 +        ctx.output = ''
   1.348 +        ctx.environ = ctx.env = env
   1.349 + = env.get('HTTP_HOST')
   1.350 +
   1.351 +        if env.get('wsgi.url_scheme') in ['http', 'https']:
   1.352 +            ctx.protocol = env['wsgi.url_scheme']
   1.353 +        elif env.get('HTTPS', '').lower() in ['on', 'true', '1']:
   1.354 +            ctx.protocol = 'https'
   1.355 +        else:
   1.356 +            ctx.protocol = 'http'
   1.357 +        ctx.homedomain = ctx.protocol + '://' + env.get('HTTP_HOST', '[unknown]')
   1.358 +        ctx.homepath = os.environ.get('REAL_SCRIPT_NAME', env.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''))
   1.359 +        ctx.home = ctx.homedomain + ctx.homepath
   1.360 +        #@@ home is changed when the request is handled to a sub-application.
   1.361 +        #@@ but the real home is required for doing absolute redirects.
   1.362 +        ctx.realhome = ctx.home
   1.363 +        ctx.ip = env.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
   1.364 +        ctx.method = env.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
   1.365 +        ctx.path = env.get('PATH_INFO')
   1.366 +        # requires:
   1.367 +        if env.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('lighttpd/'):
   1.368 +            ctx.path = lstrips(env.get('REQUEST_URI').split('?')[0], ctx.homepath)
   1.369 +            # Apache and CherryPy webservers unquote the url but lighttpd doesn't. 
   1.370 +            # unquote explicitly for lighttpd to make ctx.path uniform across all servers.
   1.371 +            ctx.path = urllib.unquote(ctx.path)
   1.372 +
   1.373 +        if env.get('QUERY_STRING'):
   1.374 +            ctx.query = '?' + env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
   1.375 +        else:
   1.376 +            ctx.query = ''
   1.377 +
   1.378 +        ctx.fullpath = ctx.path + ctx.query
   1.379 +        
   1.380 +        for k, v in ctx.iteritems():
   1.381 +            # convert all string values to unicode values and replace 
   1.382 +            # malformed data with a suitable replacement marker.
   1.383 +            if isinstance(v, str):
   1.384 +                ctx[k] = v.decode('utf-8', 'replace') 
   1.385 +
   1.386 +        # status must always be str
   1.387 +        ctx.status = '200 OK'
   1.388 +        
   1.389 +        ctx.app_stack = []
   1.390 +
   1.391 +    def _delegate(self, f, fvars, args=[]):
   1.392 +        def handle_class(cls):
   1.393 +            meth = web.ctx.method
   1.394 +            if meth == 'HEAD' and not hasattr(cls, meth):
   1.395 +                meth = 'GET'
   1.396 +            if not hasattr(cls, meth):
   1.397 +                raise web.nomethod(cls)
   1.398 +            tocall = getattr(cls(), meth)
   1.399 +            return tocall(*args)
   1.400 +            
   1.401 +        def is_class(o): return isinstance(o, (types.ClassType, type))
   1.402 +            
   1.403 +        if f is None:
   1.404 +            raise web.notfound()
   1.405 +        elif isinstance(f, application):
   1.406 +            return f.handle_with_processors()
   1.407 +        elif is_class(f):
   1.408 +            return handle_class(f)
   1.409 +        elif isinstance(f, basestring):
   1.410 +            if f.startswith('redirect '):
   1.411 +                url = f.split(' ', 1)[1]
   1.412 +                if web.ctx.method == "GET":
   1.413 +                    x = web.ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
   1.414 +                    if x:
   1.415 +                        url += '?' + x
   1.416 +                raise web.redirect(url)
   1.417 +            elif '.' in f:
   1.418 +                mod, cls = f.rsplit('.', 1)
   1.419 +                mod = __import__(mod, None, None, [''])
   1.420 +                cls = getattr(mod, cls)
   1.421 +            else:
   1.422 +                cls = fvars[f]
   1.423 +            return handle_class(cls)
   1.424 +        elif hasattr(f, '__call__'):
   1.425 +            return f()
   1.426 +        else:
   1.427 +            return web.notfound()
   1.428 +
   1.429 +    def _match(self, mapping, value):
   1.430 +        for pat, what in mapping:
   1.431 +            if isinstance(what, application):
   1.432 +                if value.startswith(pat):
   1.433 +                    f = lambda: self._delegate_sub_application(pat, what)
   1.434 +                    return f, None
   1.435 +                else:
   1.436 +                    continue
   1.437 +            elif isinstance(what, basestring):
   1.438 +                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
   1.439 +            else:
   1.440 +                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)
   1.441 +                
   1.442 +            if result: # it's a match
   1.443 +                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
   1.444 +        return None, None
   1.445 +        
   1.446 +    def _delegate_sub_application(self, dir, app):
   1.447 +        """Deletes request to sub application `app` rooted at the directory `dir`.
   1.448 +        The home, homepath, path and fullpath values in web.ctx are updated to mimic request
   1.449 +        to the subapp and are restored after it is handled. 
   1.450 +        
   1.451 +        @@Any issues with when used with yield?
   1.452 +        """
   1.453 +        web.ctx._oldctx =
   1.454 +        web.ctx.home += dir
   1.455 +        web.ctx.homepath += dir
   1.456 +        web.ctx.path = web.ctx.path[len(dir):]
   1.457 +        web.ctx.fullpath = web.ctx.fullpath[len(dir):]
   1.458 +        return app.handle_with_processors()
   1.459 +            
   1.460 +    def get_parent_app(self):
   1.461 +        if self in web.ctx.app_stack:
   1.462 +            index = web.ctx.app_stack.index(self)
   1.463 +            if index > 0:
   1.464 +                return web.ctx.app_stack[index-1]
   1.465 +        
   1.466 +    def notfound(self):
   1.467 +        """Returns HTTPError with '404 not found' message"""
   1.468 +        parent = self.get_parent_app()
   1.469 +        if parent:
   1.470 +            return parent.notfound()
   1.471 +        else:
   1.472 +            return web._NotFound()
   1.473 +            
   1.474 +    def internalerror(self):
   1.475 +        """Returns HTTPError with '500 internal error' message"""
   1.476 +        parent = self.get_parent_app()
   1.477 +        if parent:
   1.478 +            return parent.internalerror()
   1.479 +        elif web.config.get('debug'):
   1.480 +            import debugerror
   1.481 +            return debugerror.debugerror()
   1.482 +        else:
   1.483 +            return web._InternalError()
   1.484 +
   1.485 +class auto_application(application):
   1.486 +    """Application similar to `application` but urls are constructed 
   1.487 +    automatiacally using metaclass.
   1.488 +
   1.489 +        >>> app = auto_application()
   1.490 +        >>> class hello(
   1.491 +        ...     def GET(self): return "hello, world"
   1.492 +        ...
   1.493 +        >>> class foo(
   1.494 +        ...     path = '/foo/.*'
   1.495 +        ...     def GET(self): return "foo"
   1.496 +        >>> app.request("/hello").data
   1.497 +        'hello, world'
   1.498 +        >>> app.request('/foo/bar').data
   1.499 +        'foo'
   1.500 +    """
   1.501 +    def __init__(self):
   1.502 +        application.__init__(self)
   1.503 +
   1.504 +        class metapage(type):
   1.505 +            def __init__(klass, name, bases, attrs):
   1.506 +                type.__init__(klass, name, bases, attrs)
   1.507 +                path = attrs.get('path', '/' + name)
   1.508 +
   1.509 +                # path can be specified as None to ignore that class
   1.510 +                # typically required to create a abstract base class.
   1.511 +                if path is not None:
   1.512 +                    self.add_mapping(path, klass)
   1.513 +
   1.514 +        class page:
   1.515 +            path = None
   1.516 +            __metaclass__ = metapage
   1.517 +
   1.518 + = page
   1.519 +
   1.520 +# The application class already has the required functionality of subdir_application
   1.521 +subdir_application = application
   1.522 +                
   1.523 +class subdomain_application(application):
   1.524 +    """
   1.525 +    Application to delegate requests based on the host.
   1.526 +
   1.527 +        >>> urls = ("/hello", "hello")
   1.528 +        >>> app = application(urls, globals())
   1.529 +        >>> class hello:
   1.530 +        ...     def GET(self): return "hello"
   1.531 +        >>>
   1.532 +        >>> mapping = (r"hello\.example\.com", app)
   1.533 +        >>> app2 = subdomain_application(mapping)
   1.534 +        >>> app2.request("/hello", host="").data
   1.535 +        'hello'
   1.536 +        >>> response = app2.request("/hello", host="")
   1.537 +        >>> response.status
   1.538 +        '404 Not Found'
   1.539 +        >>>
   1.540 +        'not found'
   1.541 +    """
   1.542 +    def handle(self):
   1.543 +        host =':')[0] #strip port
   1.544 +        fn, args = self._match(self.mapping, host)
   1.545 +        return self._delegate(fn, self.fvars, args)
   1.546 +        
   1.547 +    def _match(self, mapping, value):
   1.548 +        for pat, what in mapping:
   1.549 +            if isinstance(what, basestring):
   1.550 +                what, result = utils.re_subm('^' + pat + '$', what, value)
   1.551 +            else:
   1.552 +                result = utils.re_compile('^' + pat + '$').match(value)
   1.553 +
   1.554 +            if result: # it's a match
   1.555 +                return what, [x for x in result.groups()]
   1.556 +        return None, None
   1.557 +        
   1.558 +def loadhook(h):
   1.559 +    """
   1.560 +    Converts a load hook into an application processor.
   1.561 +    
   1.562 +        >>> app = auto_application()
   1.563 +        >>> def f(): "something done before handling request"
   1.564 +        ...
   1.565 +        >>> app.add_processor(loadhook(f))
   1.566 +    """
   1.567 +    def processor(handler):
   1.568 +        h()
   1.569 +        return handler()
   1.570 +        
   1.571 +    return processor
   1.572 +    
   1.573 +def unloadhook(h):
   1.574 +    """
   1.575 +    Converts an unload hook into an application processor.
   1.576 +    
   1.577 +        >>> app = auto_application()
   1.578 +        >>> def f(): "something done after handling request"
   1.579 +        ...
   1.580 +        >>> app.add_processor(unloadhook(f))    
   1.581 +    """
   1.582 +    def processor(handler):
   1.583 +        try:
   1.584 +            result = handler()
   1.585 +            is_generator = result and hasattr(result, 'next')
   1.586 +        except:
   1.587 +            # run the hook even when handler raises some exception
   1.588 +            h()
   1.589 +            raise
   1.590 +
   1.591 +        if is_generator:
   1.592 +            return wrap(result)
   1.593 +        else:
   1.594 +            h()
   1.595 +            return result
   1.596 +            
   1.597 +    def wrap(result):
   1.598 +        def next():
   1.599 +            try:
   1.600 +                return
   1.601 +            except:
   1.602 +                # call the hook at the and of iterator
   1.603 +                h()
   1.604 +                raise
   1.605 +
   1.606 +        result = iter(result)
   1.607 +        while True:
   1.608 +            yield next()
   1.609 +            
   1.610 +    return processor
   1.611 +
   1.612 +def autodelegate(prefix=''):
   1.613 +    """
   1.614 +    Returns a method that takes one argument and calls the method named prefix+arg,
   1.615 +    calling `notfound()` if there isn't one. Example:
   1.616 +
   1.617 +        urls = ('/prefs/(.*)', 'prefs')
   1.618 +
   1.619 +        class prefs:
   1.620 +            GET = autodelegate('GET_')
   1.621 +            def GET_password(self): pass
   1.622 +            def GET_privacy(self): pass
   1.623 +
   1.624 +    `GET_password` would get called for `/prefs/password` while `GET_privacy` for 
   1.625 +    `GET_privacy` gets called for `/prefs/privacy`.
   1.626 +    
   1.627 +    If a user visits `/prefs/password/change` then `GET_password(self, '/change')`
   1.628 +    is called.
   1.629 +    """
   1.630 +    def internal(self, arg):
   1.631 +        if '/' in arg:
   1.632 +            first, rest = arg.split('/', 1)
   1.633 +            func = prefix + first
   1.634 +            args = ['/' + rest]
   1.635 +        else:
   1.636 +            func = prefix + arg
   1.637 +            args = []
   1.638 +        
   1.639 +        if hasattr(self, func):
   1.640 +            try:
   1.641 +                return getattr(self, func)(*args)
   1.642 +            except TypeError:
   1.643 +                raise web.notfound()
   1.644 +        else:
   1.645 +            raise web.notfound()
   1.646 +    return internal
   1.647 +
   1.648 +class Reloader:
   1.649 +    """Checks to see if any loaded modules have changed on disk and, 
   1.650 +    if so, reloads them.
   1.651 +    """
   1.652 +
   1.653 +    """File suffix of compiled modules."""
   1.654 +    if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
   1.655 +        SUFFIX = '$py.class'
   1.656 +    else:
   1.657 +        SUFFIX = '.pyc'
   1.658 +    
   1.659 +    def __init__(self):
   1.660 +        self.mtimes = {}
   1.661 +
   1.662 +    def __call__(self):
   1.663 +        for mod in sys.modules.values():
   1.664 +            self.check(mod)
   1.665 +
   1.666 +    def check(self, mod):
   1.667 +        # jython registers java packages as modules but they either
   1.668 +        # don't have a __file__ attribute or its value is None
   1.669 +        if not (mod and hasattr(mod, '__file__') and mod.__file__):
   1.670 +            return
   1.671 +
   1.672 +        try: 
   1.673 +            mtime = os.stat(mod.__file__).st_mtime
   1.674 +        except (OSError, IOError):
   1.675 +            return
   1.676 +        if mod.__file__.endswith(self.__class__.SUFFIX) and os.path.exists(mod.__file__[:-1]):
   1.677 +            mtime = max(os.stat(mod.__file__[:-1]).st_mtime, mtime)
   1.678 +            
   1.679 +        if mod not in self.mtimes:
   1.680 +            self.mtimes[mod] = mtime
   1.681 +        elif self.mtimes[mod] < mtime:
   1.682 +            try: 
   1.683 +                reload(mod)
   1.684 +                self.mtimes[mod] = mtime
   1.685 +            except ImportError: 
   1.686 +                pass
   1.687 +                
   1.688 +if __name__ == "__main__":
   1.689 +    import doctest
   1.690 +    doctest.testmod()