changeset 0 ca2023eb2463
child 1 57ad4aea86dd
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/	Tue Feb 18 15:38:00 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
     1.4 +#!/usr/bin/python
     1.5 +
     1.6 +import ConfigParser
     1.7 +
     1.8 +import sys
     1.9 +
    1.10 +import logging
    1.11 +import os
    1.12 +import errno
    1.13 +import time
    1.14 +
    1.15 +import urllib3
    1.16 +
    1.17 +class IkarusScanner:
    1.18 +    
    1.19 +    # User the existing logger  instance
    1.20 +    __LOG = logging.getLogger("IkarusScanner")
    1.21 +    
    1.22 +    __MINOPTS = { "Main" : ["LocalScanserverURL", "RemoteScanserverURL", "MaxFileSize", "RetryTimeout"]}
    1.23 +    __CONFIG_NOT_READABLE = "Configfile is not readable"
    1.24 +    __CONFIG_WRONG = "Something is wrong with the config"
    1.25 +    __CONFIG_MISSING = "Section: \"%s\" Option: \"%s\" in configfile is missing"
    1.26 +    __LOCAL_SCANSERVER_URL = ""
    1.27 +    __REMOTE_SCANSERVER_URL = ""
    1.28 +    __STATUS_CODE_OK = 200
    1.29 +    __STATUS_CODE_INFECTED = 210
    1.30 +    __STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND = 404
    1.31 +    __MAX_SCAN_FILE_SIZE = 50 * 0x100000
    1.32 +    __SCANSERVER_RETRY_TIMEOUT = 60
    1.33 +    
    1.34 +    # Global http pool manager used to connect to the scan server
    1.35 +    __remoteScanserverReachable = True
    1.36 +    __scanserverTimestamp = 0
    1.37 +    __httpPool = urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools = 1, timeout = 3)
    1.38 +    
    1.39 +    def __init__ (self, scanner_config_path):
    1.40 +        config = self.loadConfig (scanner_config_path)
    1.41 +    
    1.42 +        self.__scanserverTimestamp = time.time()
    1.43 +    
    1.44 +        __LOCAL_SCANSERVER_URL = config.get("Main", "LocalScanserverURL")
    1.45 +        __REMOTE_SCANSERVER_URL = config.get("Main", "RemoteScanserverURL")
    1.46 +        __SCANSERVER_RETRY_TIMEOUT = int(config.get("Main", "RetryTimeout"))
    1.47 +    
    1.48 +        # Convert file size from MB to byte
    1.49 +        __MAX_SCAN_FILE_SIZE = int(config.get("Main", "MaxFileSize")) * 0x100000
    1.50 +    
    1.51 +
    1.52 +    def checkMinimumOptions (self, config):
    1.53 +        for section, options in self.__MINOPTS.iteritems ():
    1.54 +            for option in options:
    1.55 +                if (config.has_option(section, option) == False):
    1.56 +                    self.__LOG.error (self.__CONFIG_MISSING % (section, option))
    1.57 +                    exit (129)
    1.58 +
    1.59 +    def loadConfig (self, scanner_config_path):
    1.60 +
    1.61 +        configfile = scanner_config_path
    1.62 +        config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser ()
    1.63 +    
    1.64 +        if ((os.path.exists (scanner_config_path) == False) or (os.path.isfile (scanner_config_path) == False) or (os.access (scanner_config_path, os.R_OK) == False)):
    1.65 +            self.__LOG.error(self.__CONFIG_NOT_READABLE);
    1.66 +            raise SystemError(self.__CONFIG_NOT_READABLE)
    1.67 +    
    1.68 +        try:
    1.69 +   (scanner_config_path)
    1.70 +        except Exception, e:
    1.71 +            self.__LOG.error("Error: %s" % (e));
    1.72 +            raise SystemError("Error: %s" % (e))
    1.73 +
    1.74 +        self.checkMinimumOptions (config)
    1.75 +    
    1.76 +        return config
    1.77 +
    1.78 +    def contactScanserver(self, url, fields):
    1.79 +        return httpPool.request_encode_body('POST', url, fields = fields, retries = 0)
    1.80 +    
    1.81 +    def scanFile (self, path, fileobject):
    1.82 +        return self.scanFileIkarus (path, fileobject)
    1.83 +
    1.84 +    def scanFileIkarus (self, path, fileobject):
    1.85 +        retval = { "infected" : False, "virusname" : "Unknown" }
    1.86 +        self.__LOG.debug ("Scan File: %s" % (path))
    1.87 +        
    1.88 +        
    1.89 +    
    1.90 +        if (os.fstat(fileobject.fileno()).st_size > self.__MAX_SCAN_FILE_SIZE):
    1.91 +  "File max size exceeded. The file is not scanned.")
    1.92 +            retval["infected"] = True
    1.93 +            retval["virusname"] = "File is to big to be scanned."
    1.94 +            return retval
    1.95 +    
    1.96 +        fields = { 'up_file' : }
    1.97 +    
    1.98 +        if (self.__remoteScanserverReachable == False) and ((self.__scanserverTimestamp + self.__SCANSERVER_RETRY_TIMEOUT) < time.time()):
    1.99 +            self.__remoteScanserverReachable = True
   1.100 +    
   1.101 +        if self.__remoteScanserverReachable:
   1.102 +            try:
   1.103 +                response = contactScanserver(self.__REMOTE_SCANSERVER_URL, fields)
   1.104 +                # We should catch socket.error here, but this does not work. Needs checking.
   1.105 +            except:
   1.106 +      "Remote scan server unreachable, using local scan server.")
   1.107 +      "Next check for remote server in %s seconds." % (self.__SCANSERVER_RETRY_TIMEOUT))
   1.108 +                
   1.109 +                self.__remoteScanserverReachable = False
   1.110 +                self.__scanserverTimestamp = time.time()
   1.111 +    
   1.112 +                try:
   1.113 +                    response = contactScanserver(self.__LOCAL_SCANSERVER_URL, fields)
   1.114 +                except:
   1.115 +                    self.__LOG.error ("Connection to local scan server could not be established.")
   1.116 +                    self.__LOG.error ("Exception: %s" %(sys.exc_info()[0]))
   1.117 +                    return retval
   1.118 +        else:
   1.119 +            try:
   1.120 +                response = contactScanserver(self.__LOCAL_SCANSERVER_URL, fields)
   1.121 +            except:
   1.122 +                self.__LOG.error ("Connection to local scan server could not be established.")
   1.123 +                self.__LOG.error ("Exception: %s" %(sys.exc_info()[0]))
   1.124 +                return retval
   1.125 +        
   1.126 +    
   1.127 +        if response.status == self.__STATUS_CODE_OK:
   1.128 +            retval["infected"] = False
   1.129 +        elif response.status == self.__STATUS_CODE_INFECTED:
   1.130 +            # Parse xml for info if desired
   1.131 +            #contentXML = r.content
   1.132 +            #root = ET.fromstring(contentXML)
   1.133 +            #status = root[1][2].text
   1.134 +            retval["infected"] = True
   1.135 +        else:
   1.136 +            self.__LOG.error ("Connection error to scan server.")
   1.137 +    
   1.138 +        if (retval["infected"] == True):
   1.139 +            self.__LOG.error ("Virus found, denying access.")
   1.140 +        else:
   1.141 +            self.__LOG.debug ("No virus found.")
   1.142 +        
   1.143 +        return retval
   1.144 +
   1.145 +    
   1.146 +