ft@0: [Main] ft@0: # make sure this file is writeable ft@0: LogFile: /var/log/encryptionprovider.log ft@0: ft@0: # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL ft@0: LogLevel: debug ft@0: ft@0: # Path where the keyfile will be saved for temp usage ft@0: Keyfile: /tmp/keyfile.key ft@0: ft@0: MountScript: /usr/local/bin/truecrypt_mount.sh ft@0: UmountScript: /usr/local/bin/truecrypt_umount.sh ft@0: InitScript: /usr/local/bin/truecrypt_init.sh ft@0: GetDevicesScript: /usr/local/bin/truecrypt_getdevices.sh ft@0: ft@0: # Umount Stick, .... ft@0: PreInitScript: /usr/local/bin/pre_init.sh ft@0: ft@0: # Mount create folders, mount osecfs, ... ft@0: PostInitScript: /usr/local/bin/post_init.sh